That was the sun from Mario Bros. 3 wasn't it?
That was the sun from Mario Bros. 3 wasn't it?
yeah, it was heavily based on it
I don't really know why, but I liked it! Toast rocks!
Fucking hilarious, seriously, I laughed for ten weeks!
Bartender should've kicked his ass for cutting up his bar.
Same shit
Different day. It would be better if you could learn some spelling and grammar.
Sweet! More more more!
somebody had a disturbing childhood.
I for one had a wonderful childhood. I was very spoiled.
My father would only beat me once or twice a night, maybe not at all if he passed out before he could remember. Mother would always pack me these cool little lunches for school, and then not give them to me because I had been a "stupid fucking moron, now go to school and starve you little fuck."
Uncle Sam was cool. I miss Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam was this guy I met once at the shoping mall when I was 5. I couldn't find Daddy, he had probably been arrested or something, and I haden't seen Mom in a while. Then Uncle Sam came up and asked if I was lost. I said yes and he told me he was my Uncle, and took me to his cool rusty blue truck and gave me lots of candy. I don't remember much after that. My psychologist says I've "repressed the memory" whatever the hell that means, however I think he must have brought me to a theme park or something, because I remember feeling very dizzy.
Ha ha ha seriously though, Inflatable Jesus is awesome.
The movie sucked and so do spoofs of the movie.
I'm from da streets yo
I shit to shit.
Meat technician
fuck school
Joined on 10/5/00