Dat shit be tight
Dat shit be tight
good work
Keep em' coming.
Simply outstanding!
That was really nice.
To everyone on here bitching about this that and the other thing. Let me just say a few words. Whenever we did bomb another country it was under the act of war. This was an unprovoked attack untill proven otherwise. I do not believe that all the Middle Easterners should die, just as some may think. It is true that this country does have problems, and I can see people losing faith in this country because of poverty and the like. However, that is no reason to just hate everyone and everything. I do not agree with people that say these deserved to die like they did, however, as sad and wasteful as this action was, these kind of things happen when you live. When you choose to live in this world and become involved in your surroundings. Just as some people are killed by a drunk driver, or get in bad car wrecks. I had a bad car wreck one time but I never got mad or hated the person that hit me because that is a chance a I take when I get on the road. Sometimes things happen and it may not seem right or just or good, but reasons we may never know they happen. Sorry to ramble on like this but it was a very nice tribute and I do feel for everyone that lost someone in those attacks. But like the film says, Do not give in to hate.
Ok what the hell was that? I didn't know this was Sesame Street. Also that fucking springy noise when they jumped was fucking annoying.I once knew this guy named Bandit Barnes and it was funny this one time he started making candy for orphan children. But what he didn't tell those orphans was that he was making it from raccoon ass. It was funny to watch those kids eat it and then throw it up later and I would point and laugh and say hahaha, you just ate raccoon ass. Then they would cry and I would laugh some more. It was good times. Hehehe, you should make a flash with sonic and megaman gang raping the toadstool princess ahahahaha, that would be funny. Like this one time when I was outside eating an icecream cone and Bandit Barnes come through in Diablo and said what up fool? I gots to get my props bitch. And I was like word. So yo, its like that just read this and you will make good flash movies.
Hmm... straight 0s, but the review let me laugh so I'll let you off this time.
If I were a flash movie............
If I were a flash movie my wish would be that Adambomb made me so that I too would know what it is like to aspire to greatness and be unrivaled for all eternity. Thank for such a wonderful film.
When I first saw this I wept openly.
There are no words to describe how great this truly is. A complete work of art by a man who is no doubt the best in this line of work. Thanks for the moving masterpiece. It deserves its own place in history right beside its creator as the 8th and 9th wonder of the world. Thank you.
I shit to shit.
Meat technician
fuck school
Joined on 10/5/00